Service and Valve Box Tools and Accessories
2½” Centering Rod Adapter
The centering rod adapter is used in new construction, typically in 2½” or 3″ Buffalo style or two piece curb boxes such as a 95E box.
The adapter attaches to the curb stop with a stainless-steel cotter pin and is used to ensure that the curb stop remains upright in the curb box. You will always be able to get your wrench onto the top tang of the centering rod adapter. The 1¾″ disc on top of the ⅝″ square shaft keeps the ⅜” wide operating tang centered in the box to ensure positive contact with the curb stop wrench. Standard size is 12″, although some municipalities specify 24″ or 36″, so they can use shorter curb wrenches.
(978) 639-8130
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